Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sozin's Comet: Part 3?

ok i missed part 3 last night of Countdown to the Comet from Avatar, so i was wondering if anyone knew of any website that would let me watch the whole thing. i'm having a hard time finding anything even about part 3. So if u know of any, could u please tell me. i'd be really happy. thanks.

What would happen if did an exercise dvd 3 or 4 times a day?

roughly about 53 minutes. Would results show up faster? i weigh 115 and am looking to lose as much as 15 pounds. Its the carmen electra dvd "fit to strip" the seconds one from the series. BTW im 15. can you recomend a dvd that shows results quick?

Breeding a ball python female too small?

okay my friend just gave me a bp 4 days ago male. i put him in with my other male so when i put them with female they will want to breed more. well i went on a lil road trip well 1st my "male" is 800 grams the male i put him with is 700 grams. well i got home to day to c them breeding. so i pulled them apart i no im not supposed to do that but i did. them snake i thought was a male. is it possible she will ovulate. if so im sure she will die kuz shes too small. another question is it possible to get her weight up in the next 5 months by 400 grams so shell b big enough to lay them eggs. thanks so i did finally probe the new snake and it was female. i was talikng this guy and he say he had a female at 800 grams breed just once on accident and she produced one fertil egg.

How to Export A 3d Autocad File to 3ds max?

Open you 3ds Max and File> Import> do not forget to set the extension files into DWG> Next search for AutoCAD file> Open.

Did anyone see John Kruk whining about the reviewed home run call?

This is guy is worst than what I thought lol. He said that the play should have been a ground rule double. Even with conclusive evidence that if the camera wasn't in the way, it would indeed had been a Home Run. Someone get this guy a pacifier.

Has Norway gone bananas?

I don't know any girls who really give a crap about urinals. Women CAN pee standing up...It's just that a lot of people are not aware of it. We don't do it as often as men do, but women can position ourselves to urinate outward if we want to, but it can sometimes be messy...Anyway, you are right - it IS a petty thing for anybody to be concerned with urinals. Must be nice for them to have nothing more important to be concerned with!

Ok this might be a dumb question.....?

Non alcoholic beer never hear of it but that is what i was craving to but I still say no to any kind of beer !!!